Work Portfolio

Synlait Milk plant, Magenta Pathway – Mid 2019

In early 2019 we were approached by Sinlait Milk, who were re-branding, and wanted to incorporate their new colour scheme into their plant at Rakaia, south of Christchurch.

Having seen the pink bridge that we did in 2015, Synlait wished to create a similar dramatic treatment for their health and safety walkway through the plant.

Their corporate accent colour is pink, and the purpose of the walkway was to improve safety for their 800+ employees walking or cycling through the site at shift change and during meal breaks.

The pathway also provides access to their new Whakapuawai wetland development created as part of Synlait’s environmental commitments.

A resin and bauxite surface with Aliphatic epoxy paint was chosen, different to Nelson Street bridge, but was more suitable to take the heavy milk tanker movements over the pathway crossings.